Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Asteroid whizzes past Earth at a distance of ZOMG!

Oh doesn't this just make you feel all warm and cuddly. The other day, an asteroid came within 8,700 miles of Earth. 8,700 miles people! The moon is a quarter million miles away. That, in horse shoes and hand grenade terms, is close. The best part? The Smart Guys didn't even know about this particular chunk of space rock, till 15 hours before it was on top of us. Yes, yes, I know. Asteroids fly by us all the time. And this one was actually fairly small and would have gone poof in the atmosphere. But still, seeing the graphic from NASA reminds me a little too much of the time the Bugs dropped one on Buenos Aires. Would you like to know more?


  1. great now besides flesh eating plants i got to fear space also

  2. Starship Troopers reference in relation to super fast asteroid....nice

  3. Moxie, you "got" to fear space a LOOOONG time ago. That's where things like "Predator", "Alien" and "Britney" come from.
